Clean, but not water,
White, but not snow,
Sweet, but not ice-cream,
What is it?
(Sugar. | Сахар.)
What is in the middle of Paris?
(The letter "R". | Буква "Р".)
I am purple, yellow, red, and green
The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
I show my colours after the rain
And only when the sun comes out again.
(A rainbow. | Радуга.)
What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in a thousand years?
(The letter "M". | Буква "M".)
What is found over your head but under your hat?
(Your Hair. | Волосы.)
What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
(A river. | Река.)
There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
(Watermelon. | Арбуз.)
What flares up quickly and does some good
But a moment later, it’s just a small piece of wood?
(A match. | Спичка.)
The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?
(Darkness. | Темнота.)
I am round like an apple
Flat as a chip
I have eyes
But I can’t see one bit.
(A button. | Пуговица.)
Look at my face and you see somebody
Look at my back and you see nobody.
(A mirror. | Зеркало.)
What's black when you get it, red when you use it, and white when you're all through with it?
(Charcoal. | Уголь.)
We have legs but cannot walk.
У нас есть ножки, но гулять мы не можем.
(Tables and chairs. | Столы и стулья.)
You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
(An ear of corn. | Кукурузный початок (кукурузу).)
I love your dog and ride on his back
I travel for miles but don’t leave a track.
(A flea. | Блоха.)
I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red.
(Fire. | Огонь.)
All about, but cannot be seen,
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
(Wind. | Ветер.)
Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.
(Iceberg. | Айсберг.)
My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.
(A candle. | Свеча.)
It cannot be seen, it weighs nothing, but when put into a barrel, it makes it lighter. What is it?
(A hole. | Дырка.)