Детский портал - Дом детей - Первый для детей

Английский для детей

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  • Времена года
  • Цвета
  • Стихи о людях
  • Стихи о животных
  • Стихи о природе
  • Рифмовки и небылицы
  • Считалки
  • Веселые школьные стихотворения
  • * * *

    One, two. How are you?
    Three, four. Who's at the door?
    Five, six. My name is Fix.
    Seven, eght. Sorry, I'm late.
    Nine, ten. Say it again.

    * * *

    Higletty, pigglety, pop!
    The dog has eaten the mop;
    The pig's in a hurry,
    The cat's in a flurry,
    Higletty, pigglety, pop!

    * * *

    One-have some fun,
    Two-I like you,
    Three-watch TV,
    Four-run to the door,
    Five-learn to drive
    Six-learn to fix,
    Seven-jump seven,
    Eght-dont' be late,
    Nine-feel fine,
    Ten-say it again!

    * * *

    Hey diddle, diddle,
    The cat and the fiddle,
    The cow jumped over the moon;
    The little dog laughed
    To see such sport,
    And the dish ran away with the spoon.

    * * *

    Little Tom Tittlemouse
    Lived in a bell-house;
    The bell-house broke,
    And Tom Tittlemouse woke.

    * * *

    Gilly Silly Jarter,
    She lost her garter,
    In a shower of rain.
    The miller found it,
    The miller ground it,
    And the miller gave it to Silly again.

    * * *

    Little Miss Tucket
    Sits on a bucket
    Eating her peaches and cream.
    Then comes a grasshopper
    And tries to stop her.
    But she says, "Go away or I'll scream!"

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