Детские стихи
Список тем 
Стихи на английском
- Cats love to sleep
- Pat a cake
- Father may I go to war?
- Little Mouse
- Fish
- Jack a dandy
- Bow-wow, says the dog
- Rain on the green grass
- Rain, rain, go away
- Two blackbirds
- Little bird
- The cuckoo comes in April
- A wise old owl
- Two pigeons
- Hen
- Baa, baa, black sheep
- Traveller
- My little kittens
- Twinkle, twinkle, little star
- Row your boat
- Fly, fly, butterfly
- My Bonnie
- Sally go round the sun
- Mary had a little lamb
- The three little kittens
- When the wind blows
- When clouds appear
- Evening red and morning grey
- Red sky at night
- Mackerel sky
- Go to bed, Tom
- Robin Hood
- Little fishes in a brook
- Tommy Tittlemouse
- Mary's at the cottage door
- Betty Blue
- Little Girl
- What are little boys made of
- Good counsel for Children
- Gregory Griggs
- Dob and Mob
- Dame Trot
- Hector Protector
- For want of a nail
- This is the key
- Hickory, dickory, dock
- Hey diddle, diddle
- My son John
- The flying pig
- Humpty-Dumpty
- Caution
- Tom Tittlemouse
- A man in the wilderness
- The wise men of Gotham
- The crooked man
- If all the world was paper
- If all the seas were one sea
- Robin the Bobbin
- The little woman and the pedlar
- Churning
- A rhyme for washing hands
- Marching
- A song from a game
- The gingerbread man
- Chairs to mend
- If bees stay at home
- Why
- Polar bear
- Короткие детские стихи на английском
- Считалки на английском для детей
- Стихи для малышей на английском
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